
Couscous Something, and other reasons to send us Email

Weeknight staple: Assorted vegetables with protein in sauce over starch. For example, tonight we made zucchini, peppers and onions with chicken in curry sauce over couscous. But we could have used shrimp or tofu or or broccoli or marinara sauce, etc. Get it?

Our dish tasted pretty okay, I wouldn't necessarily do the it exactly the same way again, but we weren't exactly going for spectacular. If you use this recipe, maybe use chicken broth to cook the couscous, and also maybe thicken the sauce for the stir-fry with cream or maybe just a touch of flour and more seasoning. If anyone comes up with a brilliant modification, let us know...

Which brings me to to our exciting announcement: We have Email! The address is twofatals@gmail.com, so now you can direct all of your "Dear Two Fat Als" and other fan mail that way. Woot.

Ingredients (serves 2 generously):
1 cup couscous
4 chicken cutlets
1 zucchini
1 onion
1 bell pepper
2 tsp curry (or 1 tsp each cumin and coriander)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup water
2 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper, to taste

Cook the couscous as per instructed. While it is cooking, heat the olive oil in a large pan and begin to cook the chicken. After about three minutes, add the onions, and when they have begun to brown, add the zucchini and peppers. Add the water and spices, and cook the entire mixture until the vegetables are soft and the chicken is cooked through, about 8-10 minutes. Top the couscous with the mixture, and serve.