
Summer Picnic

In the spirit of picnic, tonight's dinner featured a trio of sandwiches and a bucket of roasted cauliflower that we packed and brought to a (free!) orchestra concert in the park.

We picked honey-thyme roasted pear with goat cheese, turkey with homemade pesto and roasted red peppers, and lox with cream cheese and tomato. Among eaters, 3 out of 4 preferred the pear, and 1 preferred the turkey. The cauliflower is super easy, and extremely delicious. We eat it like popcorn.

honey-thyme pear, goat cheese sandwiches:

Thinly slice pears. Put some sprigs of thyme on a baking sheet and put the pears on top. Drizzle honey over them, bake it for 15 minutes at 400. Make mini sandwiches with the pears and goat cheese.
turkey, pesto, roasted red pepper sandwiches:

Brush red peppers with olive oil and sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Stick them in the toaster oven on broil for 20 minutes, rotating every 5. When they are done, put them in a bowl and cover it with plastic wrap for 20 more minutes (this lets the skin get loose). Pull out the stem and seeds, slice, and add to a sandwich with turkey and pesto.

lox, tomato, cream cheese sandwiches:

Just like a bagel, except it's bread.

oven-roasted cauliflower:

Separate a head of cauliflower into small chunks. Toss it with about two table spoons of olive oil, some salt and some pepper. Spread the cauliflower on a baking sheet and put it in the oven at 400 for about 20 minutes, or until they start to look brown and toasty.