
Vegan Quiche

When someone actually notices that we haven't been posting, we know it's been too long. Read:

Dear Two Fat Als,

Thanksgiving was officially a week ago, but still no new posts. What
gives. I've tried visiting other food blogs, and even watched a little Food Network but nothing else feels right. On an unrelated note, next weekend some friends (the same ones from my first TFA funfetti letter) and I are going to make our first batch of funfetti brownies for the holidays. They're from a mix, but we are still pretty excited about it. I will keep you posted.
Yours Truly,
Waiting in Washington

Dear Waiting in Washington,
We made you a vegan quiche.
Two Fat Als

Interestingly, our experience with vegan quiche was very similar to our experience with vegan lasagna -- lots of work for pretty decent results that tasted better cold the next day. Still, we found it incredible that we were able to produce something so cheesy and quiche-like without dairy products. We ate the filling by the spoonful.

Admittedly, we chose the dish because Alex received a food processor for his birthday (!!!), and this recipe included 2 whole steps with food processing! The machine is beautiful -- sleek and sharp, steel with black lettering. It's the new favorite toy.

So there are a lot of steps, but if you're into vegan cooking and have the time, definitely go for it. We found the recipe on 101 Cookbooks, and as recommended, we used sesame oil for the crust instead of olive oil. Check it out here.